What is Growth Mindset?

 “A growth mindset is when students understand that their abilities can be developed,”

(Carol Dweck, 2014).

Image Caption: Differences Between Fix and Growth Mindset - Via Pinterest growth vs fixed

Before watching the Ted Talk of Carol Dweck I hadn't heard of her or even heard of Growth Mindset! I found it quite interesting to learn about her studies and it really made me think about what kind of mindset I had myself and how I can change.

I think I fall somewhere in the middle of both, for example, if I read a brief for an assignment and I think it sounds too difficult I'll put off doing it until the last minute before I panic and have to figure out a way to get it done. I also can see a fixed mindset in other aspects of my life. When travelling I have sometimes put doing activities I want to do off if there is any obstacle in my way, for example, when I was in New York I wanted to go to Coney Island but when I realised it was 2 hours away I just cancelled that part of the trip. Cooking is also another one I can have a fixed mindset in, if I read a recipe and it has too many ingredients or too many steps in the method I'll just go with an easier recipe.

Looking back on Year 1 I think I realised the more time I put in to trying things out the easier it comes to me, at the start of Web Development in Semester 1 I didn't think I would be able to pass the class but by the end when I put my mind to it I was actually happy with how my website turned out. That's definitely were I see myself having more of a growth mindset rather than fixed, I didn't give up like I would with other things. 

"Do you think you’ll be interested in learning more about the growth mindset this semester?"

Definitely - I hope with more reading on the subject that by the end of Semester 1 that I will see a difference in myself and how I look at challenges. 

My Personal Goals for this Semester

Multimedia Development and Digital Video Techniques are both completely new for me and I don't have a lot of knowledge about either subjects so they're probably the two I'm most excited for! I really enjoyed Web Development but I'm kind of worried about how difficult it will get as Year 2 goes on. 


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