Review Week Comments and Feedback

Instead of a Twitter Task this week we had to look back on our Comments and Feedback and talk about what our thoughts on it were. 

The first comments we started to receive were on our Introduction Posts from Week 1. I thought this was a great start for us, it was an easy one to comment on and got us in the swing of things. It also made me get to know people in the course that I had never even spoken too! The comments I received were all really nice and it has actually made me gain a few more friends that I may not have ever spoke to without having to comment. I read back on my introduction blog post just now and although not very informative about me I still think it was a good post. Next time I think I should include maybe a little more about myself though, even if it's just my favourite Movies, TV Shows or other Hobbies I have. In my introduction post I spoke about drinking Sangria all Summer and I'm excited to progress to mulled wine during Christmas Break! 

Image Information: Feedback

I thought the comments and feedback that I received from my fellow students were very good and helped me out in a lot of ways. I thought they were especially helpful during the weeks when we used "TAG: Tell, Ask, Give" and "WOW: Wow, Wonder, What If?". When implementing these methods into our comments I was given feedback that helped me develop my game by giving me ideas on how to improve it. I'm not a gamer so wasn't great with coming up with ideas for it so it was nice to get somebody else's opinion.  

I didn't mind giving feedback out but one thing I did notice was that a lot of people were giving the same feedback to whoever's blogger I was on. I'm not sure it was necessary to do project feedback every single week considering we were doing blog comments too were people would also give some decent feedback. 

The only negative thing I took from the Feedback Comments in how many of them there were as I said above. I just felt like doing 5/6 a week was a bit excessive and I got a bit bored reading so much. Other than that I thought they were really helpful and definitely improved how I developed my game. When going from blog to blog during the blog comments I realised how basic my design layout is. On some of the blogs I was really impressed at how professional some of them looked and thought if they can do it why can't I?? So I think before the semester ends I will definitely have to look back on the Tech Tips on ways I can improve my layout. 


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