Feedback Strategies

 The first article that I read as part of this weeks feedback task was How to Give Bad Feedback Without Being a Jerk; written by Adam Grant. After reading this it made me realise I am the exact person who gives people "Feedback Sandwiches". I always feel so bad saying anything even slightly negative to people faces and I don't want to hurt their feelings so I always try to play it down somehow. Adams suggestions on how to give feedback are so simple and honest and I think any team leader would gain in reading his article. I noticed a couple things and wondered if you’re interested in some feedback.” in particular is one line I think is really good to keep in the back of my mind for the next time I have to give feedback in person, like Adam said, once the person receiving it agrees to the feedback they will be less defensive about it and see it as coming from a good place. 

The second article I read was he Trouble with “Amazing”: Giving Praise that Matters; written by Jennifer Gonzalez. In this one she talks about how certain words are given out too easily e.g Amazing, Phenomenal and the effect it has. I enjoyed the article I thought it was the most light hearted and humorous of all the ones that were available this week; particularly how random and specific "Paula Praise" is. I do understand what she means but I feel like majority of the time when people say words like that to me I don't take it so seriously and take it literally as them calling me amazing or phenomenal. She also talks about using words like Wow or Cool to her kids but I personally think it's great using them words to kids, they get so excited and their faces light up when their parents praise them for doing the bare minimum, I'm sure my parents done it to me and it didn't harm me!

Thinking about my own experience with giving feedback I didn't have to think so far back. Only this week a lecturer asked me for feedback on one of their lectures and I definitely gave them a "Feedback Sandwich" I said to them that I thought the lectures were quite long and that it's easy to zone out BUT they're still fun because of imagery and videos included in them. 

Hopefully in the future I'll think back to Adam Grants tips and give feedback in a more honest way.

Image Information - Feedback


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