
So next up in the development of my game was the Alpha. Last week the things that I said I wanted to achieve were:

Correcting Spawn Manager

Introduce repeating scene of trees to complete my terrain

Add Game Over message when Player impacts with obstacles

What I did achieve was:

Adding Mountains as Background

Adding Collectable Rotating Coins

Not going to lie this week was the toughest week I had so far with getting Unity to work and I'm disappointed with how little I got done. I spent about 2.5 hours on it and feel a little unmotivated at the moment because of the end result of this week. 

The first thing I wanted to do was correct my Spawn Manager. I went to previous Unity Tutorials for help, the first time it didn't work so I completely restarted. I did the exact same process again, typed slowly, triple checked the coding but it still wouldn't work after nearly an hour trying so I gave up. My object is spawning on the spot at the moment but for it to be useful in my game I need it to spawn randomly along the river. Next week I will try and find a different tutorial on YouTube that will help me with this but for this week I had enough. 

When thinking about how to introduce a repeating scene as my background I thought it would be easier to include a 2D background rather than including 100s of Tree prefabs. I went to the Unity Asset Store and found a background of mountains and thought this was a perfect fit for the game instead of a jungle. I followed a previous Unity Tutorial which showed how to add a RepeatBackground script, I followed it fully and only when I finished I realised it was only useful if your player was staying on the same spot....which mine wasn't, so that was another 45 minutes wasted on nothing. I'm sure there is a way to include it still somehow but for this week I left it because I wanted to at least achieve something. 

When I was writing up my Game Brainstorm earlier in the semester I said I wanted to include a Coin Pickup in my game. I remember I seen a YouTube tutorial on how to do this and it looked pretty simple so I thought I would go and try do this as the final part of the development of my game this week. The tutorial can be found here. I thought it was a fantastic tutorial, it was straight forward and short. In the video it showed how to create the coins, scale it, change the colour and even have it rotate which I thought was a really nice touch. It finally made me achieve at least one thing this week as well so I didn't feel like a total failure in the end. 

Image Information: Screenshot from my Game

In the screenshot you can see what my scene is looking like at the moment. The mountains can be seen following the river but at the moment are not continuous as I said above. The newly added coins are also seen. 

Next week I hope to work on everything that didn't work out for me this week. I will use the time I now have instead of doing the Unity Tutorials to hopefully achieve this! 


  1. Hi Sean, I love your game, I've read your past blogs about it and it's obvious you've put a lot of work into the game! You've come so far, it looks great! I really enjoy your writing because you describe everything really well and I love the fact you inserted a picture; it really helps to visualise it! I love how your game looks; the visuals are so cool, and the colours work sooo well! I get you sometimes stuff works out but so many other times it just doesn't work, it just makes you mad! Don't beat yourself up, this week will be better :) I really enjoyed it overall, I’m looking forward to it being completed and hopefully I will be able to play it! Best of luck! -Megan

  2. Hey Sean,
    Your game looks like it's coming along really well and your work is really showing through in your game so far! Unity can be really difficult at times so I understand how frustrating and unmotivating it can be so it's cool to see how much progress you're still making despite that. Sometimes the ideas we originally had are really out of our reach right now so I wish you luck with your game and I hope you're satisfied with it in the end.


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