First Playable
I continued on with developing my game this week and spent about 3/4 hours working on it. I think it went really well and I can see my game coming along nicely.
One challenge I was facing this week and last week was that Unity was running really slowly on my laptop. I was constantly waiting for it to reload but thankfully I figured it out. During last weeks development I added the trees to make my jungle. It ended up that I had about 600 different trees spanning the length of the river, doing this used 65GB of memory and slowed the laptop right down. To stop this I deleted majority of the trees, instead in the next few weeks I will use a repeat pattern that was shown in one of the most recent Unity Tutorials.
Comparing the image of my game last week to this week it kind of looks like I went backwards a step but I feel like I got loads of important steps done this week!
What I achieved this week:
Corrected Glitches from Last Week
Last week I set up a FollowPlayer script to my main camera. It's hard to explain but although it worked the camera was kind of jumping as it followed. It annoyed me so I deleted it from the scene and started it again which fixed it, this seems to be Unitys version of plugging something out and plugging it back in.
Player Movement From Left to Right/Player Speed
I had my player being able to move in a straight line while the camera followed so the next thing I wanted to do was put the player in even more control. I used the first Unity Tutorial to help me out with this part and it worked out perfectly. The player can move forward using the Up arrow key, Back using the Down Arrow Key and from left to right using the Left and Right Arrow Keys. Another thing the player can do is adjust the speed which I set to 20, they can also adjust the turn speed which at the moment is quite low at 1.
Introduced Obstacles
So my player was able to move in any direction they want by using the Arrow Keys so I thought to myself, what next? The answer as you can probably guess by the heading was obstacles. I want my game to include rocks in the river and possibly down the line some fallen trees. I started off with rocks anyway and placed them at a few points down the river.
Introduced Sky
I'm really happy with how the sky has turned out, I was going to go for daytime initially but think the purple sky looks great.
As I said in the beginning one challenge was adding in the trees for my forest.
Another thing that has been difficult for me this week has been getting my Spawn Manager to work 100% correctly. Whilst I do have it Spawning Rocks at one point I have found it hard to get it to Spawn randomly. With a bit more work next week I'm sure I'll figure it out.
Overall I'm happy with how my game is going so far, I think I have been hitting the targets I wanted to achieve within two weeks and it's all gone smooth!
What I hope to achieve next week:
Correcting Spawn Manager
Introduce repeating scene of trees to complete my terrain
Add Game Over message when Player impacts with obstacles
Hey Sean Wow you game looks great so far. I like the sky colour its gives off a tropical theme like the Maldives. Just wondering are you going to another in the water such as fish for the player to try avoid while on the boat. You have gotten so much done already I wish my game looked this good on the first go. I'm glad that you got it working in the end with your unity going slow at the start. I also had to delete a script as it was not working so I thought it be easier to just start again .Best of luck with the rest of your game- Niamh