
Showing posts from February, 2021

Reading 05 - Doing

This week for the reading task I had to find themes within my Annotated Bibliographies. To do this i went back to my Google Doc and tried to find as many as I could. It wasn't as difficult as other weeks and it thankfully it wasn't nearly as time consuming either! At first I wasn't sure if what I was doing was even correct but with the help of the video on the class website I think I done it right (hopefully).  Image Information - Screenshot from my google document The themes I found within my Bibliographies were: Light Orange - Impact different frameworks have  Yellow - Design Criteria  Green - Analysing Frameworks Light Blue - Using surveys/statistics to show how effective frameworks are Red - Pedagogy in Game Design It was a busy week for me and last week week I said to myself I would designate 1 hour a day toward this module which unfortunately I didn't do. I think there is some gaps in my research and I really have to sit down and do a few more Annotated Bibli...

Tech Task

This week I created a meme using . With the announcement of lockdown being extended I thought I would try make a meme about it and this is what I came up with.                                                            Image Information: Screenshot from  ImgFlip


Image Information: Taken from  ClassicFm I have embedded my Google Doc which is where I will update my Annotated Bibliographies weekly. I felt a bit more confident going into the reading this week after the lecture but now feel the same as I did last Sunday, worried. I'm really struggling with the reading and the thoughts of doing this every week is making me very nervous for this module. I'm not sure if I'm even doing the readings correctly if I'm being honest and keep questioning everything I write in my bibliographies. I completed 4 readings this week each taking me 2 hours or more which it isn't supposed to but with the combination of having an awful attention span and being at home in a full house is delaying me. I hope to complete 4 more over the next week and hopefully I will improve as I do them. I never thought I'd see the day that I would rather do Unity Tutorials all week but thats where I'm at at...

Tech Task

 This week I played Ninja Cat which is a game that helps improve your typing skills. I think it definitely could help somebody who doesn't think they're very good at typing. It makes you get a bit competitive with yourself and I played a good few rounds trying to outdo myself each time.  Image Information: Screenshot from  Ninja Cat Website

Reading 03

I have embedded my Google Doc which is where I will update my Annotated Bibliographies weekly. I have really struglled with the reading/writing task this week to be honest. I felt as if I have spent majority of my time sitting staring at my screen confused with what I even have to do. Reading is something I struggle to concentrate on and I feel that a lot of the time I read a full paper and by the end of it nothing has even registered with me. I have also been finding it difficult to find articles that are relevant to my topic (Game Design Process). I have read a lot of introductions for articles that I think will help to then find out it wouldn't be useful for me to include in my Google Doc. I have only completed 2 so far but hopefully by the end of the day I will have atleast 3! If it wasn't for the Unity Tutorials/Twitter Tasks/Extra Credit I would be extremely worried about how this semester will go for me in this module...

Tech Task: Einstein Chalkboard

I decided to make another picture using the Einstein Chalkboard meme. I just watched the New York Times documentary "Framing Britney Spears" so it just made sense to make this.  Image Information:Screenshot from  Einstein Chalkboard

Unity Tutorial 05

So this weeks Unity Tutorials might have been the most straight forward ones so far. The steps were really easy to follow and it said each part of the tutorial would take 1 hour each, I don't think the two of them combined took me that long! In the first part of the Tutorial I introduced a Cinemachine which basically is a better camera setup than the MainCamera that is in your scene when you create a new scene. By adding this I was able to attach it to my Ruby GameObject so that when I press play the camera follows wherever Ruby goes. I also created Camera Bounds so that the camera won't show anything outside of my map. One thing I did find a little confusing at first was the Layer Collision Matrix but with the help of the Tutorial i figured out what it all meant.  Image Information: Screenshot of my Robot Prefab taken from Unity The next part of the tutorial was adding a Smoke Particle Effect to my robot. Again, this was very easy to follow and step by step went through how to...

Unity Tutorial 04

So I'm finally caught back up to where I was on the Unity Tutorials before my UnityHub got wiped! It actually didn't take me as long as I thought it would so it didn't end up being too bad.  This weeks Tutorials were probably the longest ones so far, mainly the first part which focused on Sprite Animations. This tutorial was done mostly on Unity with only some coding on Visual Studio towards the end. Sprite Animations basically make your Player move in a more realistic way. By the end of this week's tutorials my Ruby Game Object could run from left to right, up and down which I think is a really nice touch rather than having Ruby just float across the screen with no movement. It also made my Enemy Game Object have movement.  Image Information: Screenshot from my Unity The next part of the Tutorial was titled "World Interaction-Projectiles" and was much quicker to follow. In it I had to create a script for my Projectile. Once I had the script attached I had to ...

Tech Task: Audio Video

 For this tech task I learned how to embed a YouTube video to a blog post. 

Unity Tutorial 03

So as I mentioned in my last post I wiped my Unity and had to do this Tutorial again! I actually really enjoyed doing this tutorial because I felt the game developed so much more by what was being added.  The first part of the tutorial was about adding a Health Stat to your Character GameObject which started at 5 and decreased when you came in contact with Damageable Objects and Enemies. I then had to add a Health Collectible and add a script to it, by adding the script to it and inserting some code when my health did decrease I could pick up the Health Collectible to make it increase.  Image Information: Screenshot from my Unity  As I said above the health stat decreased when my character comes in contact with Damageable Objects and Enemies. In the second part of this week's tutorials you began to add these elements into your game. The first thing I added was the Damageable Object which were black and yellow spikes, I then added some script to it to let the game know tha...

Unity Tutorial 02

So I've had a bit of a nightmare with Unity over the past week. I was caught up the Tutorials in Week 5 but my game wiped and I've had to start from the beginning again...for the second time, so this is my third time doing this tutorial!  Other than having to start again I thought this tutorial went pretty well. It was way shorter than Week 1's tutorial with there only being two parts and neither were that long.  Image Information: Screenshot from my Unity  The first part of the tutorial focused on bringing in new Game Objects and creating a prefab folder and making your Game Objects into Prefabs. This is really helpful because it means multiple game objects will all have the same settings applied to them.  The second part of the tutorial focused on adding Rigidbodys and Box Colliders to the different Game Objects and Tilemaps. By adding these it makes the game a little more realistic, my character now can't float through an object like the metal cube and instead wil...


 So this week's reading task is more about planning for the semester more than anything else.  The topic I have decided to investigate is "The Stages of The Design Process". We looked into this briefly as part of the reading tasks in Semester 1 and I am excited to learn even more over the next few weeks. Over the coming days I will begin to collect research documents, these will include Literature Reviews, Newspaper Articles, Websites and Videos. I will brainstorm and come up with different keywords that I will search while using the Library Database.  During lab time this week Lindsay from the Library Department on Campus showed us the different ways to find the documents needed on the TU Dublin Library website. From what she showed I will have no worries getting the content I need for my writing tasks for the semester.  To keep my documents organised I will use a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet, I haven't yet mastered how to edit an Excel Sheet nicely so it doesn't ...

Unity Tutorial 1

So after a month of freedom from Unity I've been back doing it this week!  Image Information -  Unity Logo This weeks tutorials took me way longer than I expected because I ran into an issue. When I opened Unity after completing the first two parts of the project it asked me to update to 2020 so I did...big mistake. It kept giving me an error message and after looking up many YouTube Tutorials and Forum Pages on Unity I gave up and completely restarted this weeks tutorials. I'd say in total I spent about 7 hours completing them which was very annoying.  It wasn't even that I found the tutorial difficult but at one point in the steps it told me to press Create -> Tile, but for some reason on the version of Unity I was using that wasn't an option so I switched to a different version to complete it.  So far I'm finding it a bit more challenging creating a 2D game compared to creating the 3D game last semester but as the weeks went on in the last semester it did beco...