So next up in the development of my game was the Alpha. Last week the things that I said I wanted to achieve were: Correcting Spawn Manager Introduce repeating scene of trees to complete my terrain Add Game Over message when Player impacts with obstacles What I did achieve was: Adding Mountains as Background Adding Collectable Rotating Coins Not going to lie this week was the toughest week I had so far with getting Unity to work and I'm disappointed with how little I got done. I spent about 2.5 hours on it and feel a little unmotivated at the moment because of the end result of this week. The first thing I wanted to do was correct my Spawn Manager. I went to previous Unity Tutorials for help, the first time it didn't work so I completely restarted. I did the exact same process again, typed slowly, triple checked the coding but it still wouldn't work after nearly an hour trying so I gave up. My object is spawning on the spot at the moment but for it to be useful in my game ...